Posts Tagged ‘Nic Brown’

Chicago, cool links & Other Stuff

February 21, 2010

February 21, 2010

I am in Chicago and I just finished up speaking at the SEA (Self Employed Artists) Conference.  It was great I had standing room only for one of my workshops and the other one was pretty full.  A great conference and a great group of people, I am glad they invited me.  I look forward to coming back next year.

I will be in Chicago all week doing guest lectures at Columbia and Northwestern.  It should be fun.

I am booking for the Spring and still have a few holes in my schedule.  Contact me at and let’s see what we can work out.

Here is a sample from my book The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide Part One: Making The Extreme No Budget Film.

“When I first got into the business, my accountant gave me some very prudent tax advice in November: “tell your clients not to pay you until after the first of the year. Then take out a loan for 90 days and invest in equipment. Then after the first of the year, you can pay off the loans with the money you’re owed. Take the tax deduction for the previous year, and you’ll be in good shape.” It made sense to me and everyone else I talked to
because we all went to art school! I almost went bust because of that advice!

Right after I bought all of that equipment, business dropped off severely. The film business can be seasonal, especially if you are outside of LA. In Portland, it usually dies off around Thanksgiving and doesn’t start picking up again until mid- to late February. Sometimes it stays busy through the end of the year, but don’t count on it.

A lot of the corporate and commercial people who hire us need to get things done and money spent before the end of their fiscal year. Then they take the holidays off. Why not? They have steady salaries. After the first of the year, they need to put together budgets and plan for the rest of the year. This is a cycle I have seen over and over. There have been exceptions to this, but rarely.

By the time I got paid on what I was owed, I had other debts that accumulated, and guess what, gang? Banks will not loan you money when you need it! They only loan you money when you have money. (Don’t get me started here, I hate bankers.)

Anyway, I spent nine months in hell trying to pay my bills, and I had a bunch of equipment that suddenly felt like a burden.

The upshot of all of this is:


The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide Part One: Making The Extreme No Budget Film.  It’s full of things to help you make your film.  So why haven’t you bought it!

Go to my site, ( and buy it for a mere $13.50 + $3 S&H.  (It is still on special) You’ll feel better about yourself in the morning.

Go check out some of my friends blogs, there is some pretty cool stuff in them…

John Gaspard –
William Akers –
Nic Brown –
Jon Ashby –

I’ll add more next time, but if you’re not reading these guys you’re not learning anything.

Don’t forget to check out my tour sponsors, Show Biz Software, (, Pollard Design (, Zoom Creates (, and Cheezy Flicks ( ).  If you haven’t checked out their sites and their services, you better.

Film Slug, ( will be up and running soon, but more about them later…

As always, feel free to link to my site and you can subscribe to my blog.  So what are you waiting for?

Talk later.


Books, Links, an Interview & Other Stuff

December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009

Things are getting busy around here.  Check out this link at the SEA website.  I am going to be in Chicago for the SEA Conference in February and they are already publicizing me.

On Thursday evening I am going to be on my friend Marguerite’s radio show.  She’s in Memphis and is one hell of a photographer.  I will be on around 7:30 CST so hit this link and you can listen in.

It’s not too late to order a signed copy of my book in time for Christmas.  The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide Part One: Making The Extreme No Budget Film.  It’s full of things to help you make your film.  So why haven’t you bought it!
Go to my site, ( and buy it for a mere $16.95 + $3 S&H. Don’t all of the little angry filmmakers in you life deserve it.
Whoa Pardner!  Don’t forget an Angry Filmmaker T-shirt for Mom!

Angry Filmmaker Tip of the Week.
“If you piss off your crew you’ll never really know it until you’re back in the editing room.  That’s when you will see things like the boom, or mic shadows, or that the focus is soft.”

So feed them well and respect them and their time.  Things will work out much better for you and your movie if you do.

I am already booking the Spring Tour which kicks off in the dead of winter, but who am I to quibble.  It seems like the Spring Tour starts earlier and earlier every year.  Luckily I don’t mind winter driving.  (Actually I hate it.)

I have been reading the Warren Zevon biography “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead”.  That guy was a really fucked up fellow and the book tells it all.  I loved his music but wouldn’t want to hang out with him.  Check it out if you can.

And speaking of books, (besides mine) you should all be buying William Akers book Your Screenplay Sucks!  100 Ways to Make It Great. Get it at

And Nic Browns Blood Curse: Werewolf For Hire at

Both good books.  And if you’re not going to buy mine then buy theirs.  Let’s get people reading books again.

Please ask your local libraries to purchase my book.

On most library websites there is a place to suggest books for purchase. Or just send an email.  Here is the information they will need:

The Angry Filmmaker Survival Guide: Making the Extreme No Budget Film
ISBN #: 1-4392-3273-3
Author: Kelley Baker

When asked for the publisher direct them to my website:
(The publisher is BookSurge but I make more money if they buy from me…)

Thank you!

I would really appreciate it if people who have purchased my book could go to and write a review.  Please tell your friends about the book, but don’t let them buy it on Amazon, send them to my site.  I make more money that way.

On to other stuff.

Follow me on Twitter ( or become a fan on Facebook,

Don’t forget to check out my tour sponsors, Show Biz Software, (, Pollard Design (, Zoom Creates (, and Cheezy Flicks ( ).  If you haven’t checked out their sites and their services, you better.

And I’m welcoming a new Sponsor, Film Slug, ( but more about them later…

As always, feel free to link to my site and you can subscribe to my blog.  So what are you waiting for?

Talk later.
